Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolutions and a Retrospective

I always get that gung-ho feeling at the New Year. I know I'm not alone in this. That's why the gym is packed this time of year! LOL! I hope to be one of those gym-going folks in the next week!
But, I had to look at 2007 and review what I'd set out for myself as goals. A few things that I'd said I was going to do...
1. Get organized in my stamping space - OK, so I had my room reorganized by February of '07 and have already outgrown the space. In all fairness, I share it with the kids (their computer and TV). I'm planning on kicking them out in 2008. LOL!!! They just don't know it yet.

2. Be a part of a design team - I couldn't be more proud of this accomplishment. I entered a submission to the CHF call (posted on Lisa Strahl's blog for Fresh Faces / newbies in the business) and was selected. It's truly opened a world of opportunity for me and for that, I'll always be thankful. Design work is so fun for me and I'd like to think I'm learning new things and getting better with everything I create.

3. Be published. - My first card was in The Rubber Stamper's November / December print. This is something that I need to expand in the coming year and have a ton more to learn. It takes a thick skin, a ton of perserverance and patience.
And I had a few other goals related to my work aspirations... I met those by September. Really amazing stuff. It was a good year!

So, what do I want to set before myself for 2008? I think there is a ton of power in putting something in writing. If I state I'll do it and tell the world, well, I need to follow through and see it completed.

1. Publish work.

2. Learn new stamp techniques and share the knowledge. I think this needs to include pushing outside my comfort zone and try something that has intimidated me in the past.

3. Lose weight. I've done it before and can do it again. I just need to commit to it.

I have a sign above my desk at work that sums it up perfectly... and it's what I tell my team every time they are hesitant. JUST DO IT. That's my motto... now I need to live up to it.

Thanks for letting me ramble. Let me know what you have in mind for your resolutions and goals. I'll post a card tomorrow...

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Congratulations on your accomplishments this past year. You know I am routing you along for your goals this year.

  2. It's great when your resolutions come together, isn't it? Congratulations on achieving so much in 2007 and here's to continued success in 2008!

  3. Congratulations to you Lisa for reaching so many of your goals in 2007. I have a feeling that you will reach your goals for 2008 too. :)

  4. yea Lisa~ Isn't nice to say you met your goals!!
